
        Convert Textbooks Into Multi Platform Publishing: iOS & Android Devices

EduLab helps to create, enhance, distribute, protect and manage your valuable digital assets, such as books, magazine, brochures, etc. We provide end-to-end content-related technological solutions and services. 
We specialize in digitization, e-Publishing, and the design and development of software solutions for web and mobile platforms specifically Andoid and iOS using latest HTML5 technologies.
We understand trends, competitive environments, customers and stakeholders in the publication and education industries. We leverage this knowledge to offer customized solutions and services to meet the publishers’ objectives and needs.

Students, teachers and schools are embraced with the new teaching technologies!
Interactive CDs, Animations, Active Boards and tablets are being more and more integrated in classrooms and in the educational system.

We provide book publishers, authors, schools transformation capabilities of any book or content into digital material that can be published and used on any platform such as PCs/interactive board, CDs, tablets (Android and iOS) as well as online solutions using the latest HTML5 technology.
Our services can cover the following:
- Interactive CDs
- Promethean lessons to be used on interactive boards
- Interactive iBook for iPad, epub2, epub3
- Audio narration
- Flipping books with expiration date
The static books are transformed to live books by adding animations, videos, pictures, assessment tools, quizzes, interactive presentations, etc.
Our team will meet publishers’ requests to transform their books into state-of-the-art digital interactive material.

Our "Kitabi" almost fully automates (up to 100%) HTML5 conversion, dramatically reducing production effort and cost. With Kitabi HTML5 solution you can create print-replica, interactive and rich eBooks for multiple platforms with built-in DRM. HTML5 output is compatible with all major readers and e-stores and is ideal to deliver content to a range of Tablets.

Avoid paying Apple, Google 30% on your eBooks Sales

When books are sold through third party stores like Google Play and iBook Store they charge a commission (typically 30%) on every sale that happens. Publishers can avoid this commission payment by selling the eBooks through Kitabi Store (, while also regaining full control of the content as well as the marketing activities that are associated with the store. Not only does this provide better margins to the publishers, it also provides useful analytics information about their end customers.

Through our research and development department, we continuously upgrade our services to provide the publishers with the latest technologies and tools that replies to their needs.